

Familiar Dialogues amidst the Tumult of Art

Mantova, Gallery "Mad"

25 November - 10 Dicember 2023

An exhibition dedicated to Ken Tielkemeier and Franca Barbara Frittelli
Curated by Massimo Pirotti

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Art, Genius & Folly

The day and night of the Artist

Siena, Museum Complex of the Santa Maria della Scala

January 31st to May 25th, 2009

A museum show created by Vittorio Sgarbi
in cooperation with the Antonio Mazzotta Foundation

Thanks to the well known art critic Marco Moretti, Ken Tielkemeier had 3 paintings featured in this museum show.
His paintings were shown in the “Travels through Tuscany” section curated by Marco Moretti.

Show brochure

A lifetime immersed in Art: Ken Tielkemeier has been recognized for his unique artistic orientation and has been considered the promoter of Magic Expressionism. Adored by artists and art critics including Vittorio Sgarbi he has had many shows during his lifetime.

Articolo su La Voce di Mantova
Article - Il Corriere
Article - La Nazione
Article - La Repubblica