Ken Tielkemeier Biography
Ken Tielkemeier
Ken Tielkemeier's shows
Ken Tielkemeier artworks
Ken Tielkemeier's shows
New York City - One Man Show - Imago Gallery
New York City - One Man Show - City Center Gallery
St. Louis, Missouri - Group Show - St. Louis Artists Guild (3rd prize)
1957 Florence - One Man Show - Palazzo Pandolfini
1963 Florence . One Man Show - Chalet Fontana
1965 Bologna - One Man Show - Johns Hopkins University
1966 Florence - One Man Show - Galleria Proposte
1980 New York City - Group Show - Marisa Del Re Gallery
1992 Lago di Caldonazzo - Group show - Centro D'Arte La Fonte
1995 New York City - Group Show - Agora Galllery
Florence - One Man Show - Foyer degli Artisti
Pietrasanta - One Man Show - Galleria Tornabuoni
Pienza - One Man Show - Pienza Gallery
Roma - One Man Show - Galleria l'occhio in Arte
Florence - Group Show . Foyer degli Artisti
Florence - Group Show - Gattart
Paris - Group Show - Brigitte Bardot Foundation
Florence - One Man Show - Foyer degli Artisti
Washinton D.C. - Group Show - Gallery 10
Molina di Quosa (Pisa) - One Man Show - Galleria Il Magazzino
Florence - Group Show - Foyer degli Artisti
Montecarlo - Group Show - Art Expo '900
Lugano - Group Show - Mercart 2004
Shanghai - Group Show - Shanghai Art Fair
2005 Torino - One Man Show - Micrò Gallery
Torino - Collettiva - Micrò Gallery
Florence - Group Show - Palagio di Parte Guelfa
Florence - Group show - Arte Fiera Firenze
Florence - One Man Show - Foyer degli Artisti
Florence . Group Show - Palagio Parte Guelfa
Florence- Group Show- Foyer degli Artisti (in honor of Rosai)
Florence - One Man Show - Foyer degli Artisti (in memory)
2008 Florence - Group Show - Museo Bellini - Gattart (in memory)
31 January Siena - Art, Genius and Madness by Vittorio Sgarbi
25 May in the Santa Maria della Scala Museum Complex
2023 Mantova - Gallery "Mad"
Ken Tielkemeier's work is also found in many private collections in the United States and Europe