Ken Tielkemeier: Nude woman with red curtain

New York, 1959
oil on canvas
Dimensions: 79 x 59 cm / 31 x 23 inches
1900 €
The red background in this painting attracts the observer: we see one of the artists models posing nude on an orange cover.

House on Sahra. street
2100 €
My father
2200 €
Nude on green mattress
1900 €
Otho Dilworth with cap
3000 €
Piazza Pitti
2300 €
2500 €
3300 €
Self portrait with berret
2100 €
Tony and Flamenco
1800 €
Woman sleeping by the window
3200 €
Cat on a Limb
3000 €
Inghe with bread and vase
1700 €